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Rude Awakenings Keith M Donaldson 9781937084608 Books

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Rude Awakenings Keith M Donaldson 9781937084608 Books

To start with, this is a very easy to believe story, with all the war and turmoil of the last 20 years. Keith M. Donaldson has done a good job with Rude Awakenings in making it easy to read. read. The draw-back is the almost inevitable comparison to Tom Clancy who has ruled this techno-political thriller genre for years, and remains my favourite.
Although this novel is put together wonderfully, I would only give this book 3.5 stars just because it weighed in a bit heavy for me on the politics. As I mentioned, I am a fan of Tom Clancy and military style novels, so I guess I hoped for a novel closer to his style - I simply enjoy more the action, intrigue and characters.

While the story focuses very much on the topic of nuclear disaster, it centres as much on the main character in the story, President Macdonald. From his great oratory abilities in front of listeners, to his own personal dilemmas he has to face, he is a character I took too. It's probably unfair to always compare thrillers from new novelists in this genre to Clancy, but he is the watermark I use to judge books in this area.

Read Rude Awakenings Keith M Donaldson 9781937084608 Books

Tags : Rude Awakenings [Keith M. Donaldson] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <div>On his first day in office, Centrist Party President Mike Macdonald is awakened by the words, “Sir,Keith M. Donaldson,Rude Awakenings,Boutique of Quality Books,1937084604,Literature & Fiction Contemporary,Fiction,Fiction - General,Fiction Political,Fiction Thrillers Political,Political,Political legal thriller

Rude Awakenings Keith M Donaldson 9781937084608 Books Reviews

I liked the way the short, snappy chapters of this book unfolded the story of a nuclear attack on America and the aftermath and actions by the president and other ruling members of the country as well as delving further into the who, hows and whys of such an attack. President Macdonald is the first president from the Centrist Party and within hours of taking the oath of office comes face to face with what can acknowledged as the biggest crisis in America since 9/11. Though new to the office, he is a very smart man and politician and knows how to take charge of things to get to a successful conclusion. This story is his story, while, at the same time, presents a very realistic picture of life within the White House and Congress during an extremely difficult time. It is also the story of President Macdonald and his life during this span of time. The setting for the story is well done, as are the characters. The scenario of a Centrist Party President who rises to the challenge of leading the country through everyone’s worst nightmare is almost too realistic to fathom, and the author definitely does this justice. I have not read any other books by this author, but will seek them out after reading this one. If you enjoy reading the political intrigue that Tom Clancy is so famous for, you will enjoy reading this novel, for it is equally as good as Clancy’s novels. I received this from NetGalley to read and review.
"Rude Awakenings" begins with a mysterious nuclear explosion. This sets a dystopian tone for the novel, which is set in 2013 and seems to have been written in response to America's recent financial and political turmoil. Having read several such books recently, I would say that "Rude Awakenings" is the best, and darkest of the bunch.

In short, snappy chapters the mystery unfolds. Who is the assailant, and what are his motives? These are the questions that the President of the United States, Michael Paul Macdonald, must answer, with the fate of the country in his inexperienced hands. At the same time, the country's economic problems have come to a head, threatening a spiral into debt-burdened Third World status.

I found the political commentary and satire in this book to be timely, and refreshingly even-handed. I was also impressed by the author's deft handling of these heavy political and economic themes; they certainly don't prevent "Rude Awakenings" from being a fun, easy-to-read mystery thriller.
The President of the United States is the protagonist of 'Rude Awakenings'--not Obama, but a fictional character called Michael Macdonald. I've never come across such a story before, but I think it works quite well. The premise is that in the present day, a nuclear attack on the U.S. and Canada leaves millions dead and injured. Early in the novel, President Macdonald makes a stirring speech, in which he promises to bring the culprits to justice. I appreciate the many nods to the financial crisis, and the parlous state of Detroit, in this scene and throughout the book. (Of course, a nuclear strike can be a metaphor as well as a plot feature.)

The fast-paced story is driven forward by an urgent search for the perpetrators of the attack, but Macdonald's personal drama also takes centre stage. I found the author's depiction of counter-terrorism and the inner politics of the White House enjoyable and realistic, and if those plot elements sound interesting to you I would certainly recommend this book.
This novel was an interesting look at how America's head of state, and our allies, react to a crisis or disaster. Though it is a fiction, it isn't difficult to see how it could easily be something turned real. It's as if the fiction is based on the fact of the world as it is today.
As the title relates, The President of the U.S. gets quite the rude awakening when a nuclear bomb goes off in Detroit. As our government scrambles to find out who is responsible and maintain control of the situation. This daunting task is made more hectic by the fact that Our President has only been president nearly 18 hours. The bomb isn't the only threat, however. There is also an attack made on our finances, and the new President must use all his resources to find culprits. He also encounters a former love interest and attempts to rekindle that old flame in the midst of all world around him seeking his answers. Finding out who was behind this was pretty funny to me( in an 'oh, of course, who else' way), but also a bit scary to think about. It all made a certain sense though, this book is worth checking out.
To start with, this is a very easy to believe story, with all the war and turmoil of the last 20 years. Keith M. Donaldson has done a good job with Rude Awakenings in making it easy to read. read. The draw-back is the almost inevitable comparison to Tom Clancy who has ruled this techno-political thriller genre for years, and remains my favourite.
Although this novel is put together wonderfully, I would only give this book 3.5 stars just because it weighed in a bit heavy for me on the politics. As I mentioned, I am a fan of Tom Clancy and military style novels, so I guess I hoped for a novel closer to his style - I simply enjoy more the action, intrigue and characters.

While the story focuses very much on the topic of nuclear disaster, it centres as much on the main character in the story, President Macdonald. From his great oratory abilities in front of listeners, to his own personal dilemmas he has to face, he is a character I took too. It's probably unfair to always compare thrillers from new novelists in this genre to Clancy, but he is the watermark I use to judge books in this area.
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