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Ruin Revelations edition by Lucian Bane Paranormal Romance eBooks

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Download PDF Ruin Revelations  edition by Lucian Bane Paranormal Romance eBooks

Ruin Revelations edition by Lucian Bane Paranormal Romance eBooks

This is the second book of the Ruin series. Ruin: The Waking should be read before reading this book.

Revelations: acts of revealing secret or surprising facts, or acts of revealing or communicating devine truth. That is a perfect subtitle for describing what Lucian Bane does in this second book of the Ruin series. Definitely some surprising information is revealed, but this is not the end of the series, so be prepared for another ending that will blow you away and leave you desperately needing the next book immediately!

For me, this book focuses on the building relationship and fiery chemistry between Ruin and Isadore. These characters that Lucian has created are so different from any of the people you would ever meet in the real world, but somehow he has made them relatable and lovable. You want them to find what they need in each other! The dialogue written for them is so natural and hilarious that most of the time it felt like I was an invisible observer in their conversations, which had me laughing right out loud! Then, there's the INTENSELY feverish sex scenes (lots of them) that both draw them together and tear them apart. Humor and heat.....Lucian Bane is an expert at writing both types of scenes!

I am not normally a fan of paranormal books, and although this book has more paranormal elements and characters than the first book, the way Lucian creatively incorporates them does not overwhelm the story. There were a couple of times I had to go back and reread a passage to make sure I understood an event that took place, but it did not distract from the flow of the story. I attribute that to the fact I'm a novice paranormal reader. I gave this book five stars for excellent overall writing, few editing errors, great continuing character development, and fabulous heat and humor!! Awesome work, Lucian Bane!!

Read Ruin Revelations  edition by Lucian Bane Paranormal Romance eBooks

Tags : Ruin: Revelations - Kindle edition by Lucian Bane. Paranormal Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Lucian Bane,Ruin: Revelations,Fiction Fantasy Paranormal,Fiction Romance Paranormal

Ruin Revelations edition by Lucian Bane Paranormal Romance eBooks Reviews

A quick, steamy paranormal read.

Usually books like this are a little to risqué for me. I don’t mind some sex scenes in the stories I read, but the ones that could possibly be classified as erotica sometimes to me seem to throw a loose story around steamy scenes. This one is not like those.
There are few books out there that can pull off some wonderful steamy scenes and have amazing stories. This is one of those books/series. Ruin’s and Isadore’s relationship is complicated. They can not seem to keep their hands off each other but there is some secrets making things difficult. I enjoy Ruin’s and Isadore’s back and forth banter. Like the last book Ruin has tasks he gets sent to do but these ones seem to have more of a focus on Isadore’s past. Then you also have the complication of Ruin’s jealousy and him using his Judgment for bad as oppose to good that was an interesting turn about to find out what the ramifications of that was ( The Ruinator?”).

I find myself really intriqued by Ruins and Isadores relationship. What exactly is going on there? How is it going to turn out? Will they ever get through the “walls” and complications that have been brought up? Will Ruin figure out what love is? and of course how will this all end?

I would recommend it to those who like the whole erotica and paranormal genre. I will definitely be picking up the next book in the series.Who knows maybe I can learn to embrace what I once thought was too risqué for my taste, as long as it has a great story with it of course. I think I'll pick up and read his other series Dom Wars.
Uh oh, seems like RUIN has finally had enough of the little tempest that is Isadore. He is taking a stand and laying down a firm Alpha Male Dominant hand upon her fiery ways, but I'm not sure if she will be a pushover or a very willing partner. It is so hilarious to watch their banter, they are growing closer and RUIN seems to be becoming more human in his emotions and mannerisms.

I'm very much invested in these two characters, I relate to RUIN very well, he sees the world and everything in it as bad right now yet he has this softer side when it comes to people he cares about and a woman he adores.
This story hits close to home for me and to be honest was very difficult to read yet I understand these walls that Isadore seems to have built to protect herself and the memories she seems to have repressed for her own sanity. I'm certainly relieved RUIN has a way of knowing just what to do for his little firecracker when the time comes for comfort and relief needed in this sensitive subject.

I'm getting to know more about Caliber Creed as well and what a relief to know that he is on this dynamic duo's side. This Author really knows how to write different characters and I'm looking forward to reading more about the main ones.

On a side note, HOLY EROTICA! What a powerful punch to the thighs! This one will leave you purchasing chapstick right and left to cure those aching lips after you lick the skin off them! These two have a VERY strong sensual heat and connection that NO ONE will ever come between.

Thank You Lucian Bane for a very romantic and steamy Para-Erotic book boyfriend!
This is the second book in this series. I couldn't wait to get my hands on it. Ruin is discovering more of his purpose and what an Angel of judgement is supposed to do. He imprinted with Izzy, linking with her. This link is causing him to make bad judgements, judgements that he will be held accountable for. Caliber, another otherworldly being, gives him his assignments and because of the link, Izzy has to go with him. Ruin is navigating this strange human world, trying to understand the conflicting thoughts and emotions he is having. Izzy wants him to understand and accept love, though she struggles with this herself and has her own craziness and mistakes to contend with. Sparks fly between these two.

Reading this had me feeling all the emotions of the characters as they struggled with right and wrong, good and evil. I experienced the love, laughter, frustration, confusion and pain of the characters. Lucian brings the heat too, definitely some well written, sexy scenes.
I can't wait to dive into the next book in this series.
This is the second book of the Ruin series. Ruin The Waking should be read before reading this book.

Revelations acts of revealing secret or surprising facts, or acts of revealing or communicating devine truth. That is a perfect subtitle for describing what Lucian Bane does in this second book of the Ruin series. Definitely some surprising information is revealed, but this is not the end of the series, so be prepared for another ending that will blow you away and leave you desperately needing the next book immediately!

For me, this book focuses on the building relationship and fiery chemistry between Ruin and Isadore. These characters that Lucian has created are so different from any of the people you would ever meet in the real world, but somehow he has made them relatable and lovable. You want them to find what they need in each other! The dialogue written for them is so natural and hilarious that most of the time it felt like I was an invisible observer in their conversations, which had me laughing right out loud! Then, there's the INTENSELY feverish sex scenes (lots of them) that both draw them together and tear them apart. Humor and heat.....Lucian Bane is an expert at writing both types of scenes!

I am not normally a fan of paranormal books, and although this book has more paranormal elements and characters than the first book, the way Lucian creatively incorporates them does not overwhelm the story. There were a couple of times I had to go back and reread a passage to make sure I understood an event that took place, but it did not distract from the flow of the story. I attribute that to the fact I'm a novice paranormal reader. I gave this book five stars for excellent overall writing, few editing errors, great continuing character development, and fabulous heat and humor!! Awesome work, Lucian Bane!!
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